Save up to $100 throughout the school year! Get discounts on events, and programs. Have access to the online school directory.
Benefit your child and help our school! Research has proven that children do better when their parents are involved both at home and in school. Performance improves. Self-esteem grows. Schools improve.
Let your voice be heard! When you join the PTA, you also join the California state and national PTA. Membership numbers count in a significant way when our representatives are lobbying for funding for education.
Help decide the direction of our school! Only members have a vote on PTA issues, events and program funding. PTA membership helps you connect with the school and other parents.
You are NOT obligated to volunteer or attend PTA meetings if you join the PTA.
As a member, you help support our PTA programs, which directly benefit all Hidden Hills students and families. Some of these programs include:
Your support will help our PTA programs, which directly benefit all Hidden Hills students and families. Some of these programs include:
Parent Education - Parent Education Evenings
Health and Safety - Red Ribbon Week, Street Smarts, Disaster Preparedness
Community Building - Trivia Night, Family Games Night
Student Development - Room Parent Volunteers, Science Night